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Поисковый запрос: (<.>S=Урбанизация -- Южная Корея -- Китай<.>)
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    Chang Hwan Yu
    Study of urban development plan on South Korea and China [] / Chang Hwan Yu, Nandinsuren Tseden, Oyunchimeg Byambaa // Техника и технологии продуктов питания: Наука. Образование. Достижения. Инновации : материалы 3 Всероссийской научно-практической конференции / отв. ред. И. К. Дугарова. - Улан-Удэ : Издательство ВСГУТУ, 2018. - С. 113-129. - Библиогр. в конце ст.

Рубрики: Урбанизация--Южная Корея--Китай
   Южная Корея

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
развитие городов -- города -- городское население -- сельское население -- проблемы -- отличия
Аннотация: This research compared with problems that generated during urbanization process in Korea and China. Additionally, the current study analyzed solutions for issues such as public policies and reform plans. In 2014, the urbanization levels (% of total) were 91.7% in South Korea, whereas the rate in China was 54.3% that is nearly half of urbanization levels in Korea. It showed that China in a transition stage of urbanization. To look at the issues during urbanization process in Korea and China, it showed the problems of environment, suburbs, lands, transportations, rushed developments and etc. in Korea. Meanwhile China showed the issues of social tensions, suburbs, city environment, initial city developments leading to administrative problems, migrant workers and etc. This study extracted both countries’ similarities and differences to benchmark reform plans.

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Доп.точки доступа:
Дугарова, И. К. \отв. ред.\; Nandinsuren Tseden; Oyunchimeg Byambaa

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