Tsogtsuren Bayasgalan
    The impacts of organizational culture, job satisfaction, organizational commitment on effective performance: the academic staffs of public universities in Mongolia [] / Tsogtsuren Bayasgalan, Tugsuu Gerelkhuu, Nanzaddorj Otgonbayar // Стратегические приоритеты развития экономики в условиях импортозамещения глазами молодёжи : материалы студенческой международной научно-практической конференции (20-22 сентября 2016 г.) / отв. ред. Е. Л. Дугина. - Улан-Удэ, 2017. - С. 3-12. - Библиогр. в конце ст. . - ISBN 978-5-89230-894-6
Рубрики: Высшее образование--Монголия
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
государственные университеты -- штаты -- удовлетворённость работой -- производительность -- эффективность -- организационная культура -- приверженность -- OCTAPACE
Аннотация: Effective performance has a significant impact in the overall success of anorganization.The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on effective performance of academic staffs’ public universities in Mongolian.This paper proposes the use of organizational OCTAPACE /Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Authenticity, Pro-active, Autonomy; Collaboration, Experimentation/ culture models evaluate job satisfaction and organizational commitment of academic staff. Data analysis results indicate that OCTAPACE culture influences job satisfaction and organizational commitmentas well as significantly influencing on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Based on the collected data, job satisfaction, organizational commitment significantly influences job performance. In terms of this study, a theoretical and empirical survey conducted in Mongolian private universities using among 160 academic staffs as participants. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21 and Smart PLS 3.0 statistic programs.

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Дугина, Е. Л. \отв. ред.\; Tugsuu Gerelkhuu; Nanzaddorj Otgonbayar